
STEM-focused, arts-integrated
Private primary school in Bedford, MA

Now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year


Our Advantages:


Develop inquisitive, creative, empathetic young people who aspire to understand the world around them and feel empowered to seek solutions.



Provide students with a joyful, active learning environment that inspires curiosity, celebrates creativity, and encourages reflection. We provide a STEM-focused, arts-integrated, and wellness-centered academic program that emphasizes open-ended inquiry, experimentation, and collaboration.

Cultivating critical thinking, empathy, and resilience in our students, we strive to instill a passion for learning and the confidence to engage constructively in a changing world.


People choose us

A School for Change-Makers

Inventor Academy provides students
with the tools and knowledge to embrace curiosity,
live adventurously, and grow through individualized challenge and rigor.